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Other Issues in Media and Society

Alessandro Gerosa

Five other blogs that I recommend


Throughout my blog I have been discussing about the dangers and concerns about gaming. But now it is time to recommend you 5 other blogs that I found interesting.

The first one is The Dangers of Augmented Reality to Society, curated by Sven. He discusses about a very recent issue concerning Media and Society, which does have some points in common with my topic, presenting a really interesting perspective and way of perceiving the argument. In addition to that he provides here and there some humour, which makes the overall reading more enjoyable.


Another interesting topic related with today's Media and Society is the influence movies have on crimes, which is discussed in Emil's blog. There are many examples of such issues nowadays, but if they are still discussed it means that something needs to be done to avoid such acts. The events he refers to are a clear demonstration that movies do have a big impact on violent crimes and, at the same time, this could make you think about possible measures that would decrease the number of these accidents.

Here is the link for further info:


The third blog I am a encouraging you to check is Big Lion Sports, crated by Michael. He focuses on the impacts that media have on sport. Particularly interesting is the reflection that he makes with COVID-19 and the impact it had on Sports. Really interesting blog to visit, especially if you are a sport fan like me.


One blog that I found fascinating was True Influencers and Social Responsibility, made by Anastasia. She discusses about the impact that influencers do have nowadays and what their role should be in relation to their followers. It is quite interesting, since that he makes many references to her own experience as an influencer with really exhaustive and insightful argumentations.

Click on this link and find out more about it:


The last blog I am recommending is Media and Society: Cyberbullying, curated by Andrea. He does talk about another problem that is widely discussed concerning media and society, which still needs to be tackled and solved properly. He also bring some personal experience in the post about his view which really demonstrates the issues of cyberbullying.

Make sure to check his blog here:



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