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The dangers and concerns about gaming?

Alessandro Gerosa

Updated: May 3, 2020

A short introduction to the contents of this blog


One of the main areas of today's media and society that present some issues is gaming. Nowadays many more people are playing video games and starting earlier than compared to the previous decades. By 2020 the video games market is expected to be worth over 90 billion U.S. dollars, having billions of gamers from all over the world, who are playing them with various devices, such as smartphones, PC or console, just to mention the most used platforms.

But, of course, this does bring positive and negative consequences. In particular, many youngsters are becoming addicted to gaming and this is causing a serious issue for their parents, who in some cases do not know how to behave with their children in these situations, and mental health, which is a really delicate problem and perhaps requires the help of specialists. In addition to that gaming can become quite expensive, if all sums spent for it are counted. Moreover, if practiced for numerous hours per day, it can be less productive and beneficial compared to reading a book or practicing sport.

I will discuss about some of these issues mentioned so far in a more detailed way. So, if you are curious to know more about some negative aspects of gaming, make sure to read the other posts in this blog.



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