The relation between academic performance and playing video games
A study on the effects of video game play on academic performance has been conducted in 2011 by Jancee Wright, a student at the University of the Cumberlands. Some studies have been done on this subject but perhaps not sufficient amount to establish which kind of effects do video games have on academic performance, making it better or worse than the results of people who do not play video games. De facto Wright does present both sides when referring to the previous studies conducted. She conducted the survey on 198 college students from her university. The result was that:
"The present study found that those individuals who indicated that they did play video games had significantly lower GPAs than students who indicated that they did not play video games" (Wright, 2011).
However there have also been some exceptions, meaning that a few people who said to play video games did have excellent academic scores too. But as also mentioned by the author, this is ot enough to establish a clear conclusion, since that other factors should be considered. In particular, the amount of time spent on playing video games would perhaps give clearer results and explanations to the relationship between playing video games and academic scores. Hence there is a need of further research in this area.
If you want to know more about the study, follow this link: